State Journals

Kerala Journal of Psychiatry

1. Changing trends of suicides in Kerala and solutions
2. Molecular genetics and psychiatry - review of recent developments. Kerala J Psychiatry 2000; 14 47-64
3. Pathways to psychiatric care A Kerala experience. Kerala J Psychiatry 2000
4. Venlafaxine - A review of its pharmacology and therapeutic potential in various psychiatric disorders
5. Issues in the management of difficult panic patients
6. New approaches to bipolar disorder. Kerala J Psychiatry 2002; 17 23-32
7. Suicide in Kerala- A critical analysis. Kerala J Psychiatry 2003; 18 14-21.
8. Current research in suicide in India. Kerala J Psychiatry 2004; 19 13-24.
9. Rehabilitation of mentally ill- IMHANS experience. Kerala J Psychiatry 2004; 19 17-24.
10. Suicide in India. Kerala J of Psychiatry 2006; 21; 25-34
11. A study of effect of mental illness in relation to marital status. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 22(2) 14-18
12. Social support and suicide. Kerala J Psychiatry 2007; (22); 46-53
13. Social support and suicide. Kerala J Psychiatry 2008; (23.1); 43-55
14. Suicide and copying behavior. Kerala J Psychiatry 2008; (23-2); 43-48
15. Religion and suicide. Kerala J Psychiatry 2010; 24(.2) 7-11
16. Depot antipsychotics in psychiatric practice- an overview. Kerala J Psychiatry 2011; 25(1)15-24.
17. Present scenario of mental hospital in kerala. Kerala J Psychiatry 2012; 26(.1) 32-34
18. Motivation enhancing therapy in alcoholism.
19. Study on Injecting Drug Users tendency toward Crime. Kerala J Psychiatry 2013; 42-45.
20. Impact of self- esteem on life satisfaction among alcoholics and non alcoholic. Kerala J Psychiatry 2014; 21-24
21. Efficacy of suicide prevention workshops- An evaluation. Kerala J Psychiatry 2006; 21;12-18

Kerala Medical Journal

1. Hyperglycaemia associated with olanzepine treatment. KMJ 2010; 10(6) 250-251
2. Life events, social support, coping strategies and quality of life in attempted suicide- a case controlled study

The Ground Builder

1. Academic challenges for children with ADHD Policy implications for school based practice. The Ground Builder An attempt to Recast Quality Education 2016; 4 1-13